The Chemisette Handbag Pattern by Craft Apple Creations comes with instructions for 2 styles - one with a gathered front and the other without. Finished size is 10 inches wide x 15 inches tall, including straps. Pattern pieces are included.
Materials Needed: (44 inches wide but more fabric will be needed if you are using directional print or need to center a design)
- Fabric 1: 5/8 yd light to mid-weight cotton for chemise, straps, and pockets
- Fabric 2: 5/8 yd of light to mid-weight cotton for bag bottom, interior
- 1/2 yd fusible fleece
- 3/4 inch magnetic snap
- 1 yd medium-weight fusible interfacing
- Stabilizer (Peltex 70) - small piece 2 inches x 10 inches
- Disappearing ink fabric marker
- Button, ribbon, brooch (optional) for embellishing