Strip Six

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Six blocks from 2-1/2" strips and a world of possibilities...

The instructions to make each block clear, simple and in full color. Just make one of each block and you are on your way to the beautiful sampler quilt pictured on the cover. The directions to complete this setting option are in the book! Or you can choose to make single blocks for bags, pillows, wall hangings or even for the back of a jacket.

Strip Six also gives you the efficiency piecing directions so you can quickly make multiples of the same block!. This extra information transforms a sampler pattern book into a veritable recipe book with a world of possibilities!

The back pages include helpful charts on how many blocks to make for seven different quilt sizes and give you options for straight set, straight set with sashing, and on point.

      Author: Daniela Stout

      Publisher Cozy Quilt Designs

      Publishing Date: 2011

      Cover: Paperback

      Pages: 36

      Condition: Like-new. Pre-owned.