Title: Embroidery Studio Organization in 6 Easy Steps
Authors: Eileen Roche and Marie Zinno
Publisher: Designs in Machine Embroidery
Publication Date: 2014
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 64
Make your embroidery studio your favorite place to be with the help of the Stitching Sisters! Authors and sisters Marie Zinno and Eileen Roche have both recently reorganized their home embroidery studios, and they're sharing what they learned with you!
Inside this 64-page book, Marie and Eileen will guide you through six easy steps to reorganizing your studio. You'll learn to evaluate what you have and what you need, plan the studio layout with an embroiderer's unique needs in mind, set a budget, designate an area for each function, and then set your plan in motion!
Marie and Eileen share their reorganization experiences throughout the book and include lots of photos of their studio space and storage solutions along with a few "before" photos that keep them motivated to stay organized. So gather your embroidery studio wish list and get your home studio organized and efficient in six easy steps.